
RVHS celebrated our 68th birthday on 16 Jan 2024. The theme of this year’s school anniversary celebration is “Nurturing and Flourishing” as we celebrate a commitment to fostering holistic growth in our students. The theme encapsulates our dedicated efforts to create a nurturing environment with diverse opportunities for growth, so that our students are able to flourish.

As part of the celebrations, the Eco-trail@RV was officially opened by our Guest of Honour, RV Alumnus Mr Ng Chun Pin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Planning, Corporate and Technology) of the National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore. He leads the development and implementation of cross-functional environmental policies and programmes to build a sustainable, resource-efficient and climate resilient Singapore. The Eco-Trail symbolises a path of sustainable living and learning, which we hope to instill in our students the value of environmental responsibility. We envision a school community where every individual is empowered to thrive academically, socially, and personally, contributing positively to the world around them.
今年是立化中学建校68 周年。"十年树木,百年树人",回顾过去68年,立化如同一颗树苗在风雨中顽强生长,转眼间已然长成一棵参天大树,培养了一代又一代的优秀学子。感恩每一位为立化添砖加瓦的师生,正是有了他们几代人的辛勤付出,才有今天的立化。
