Chia Kwan Hi (21J13), NYAA Gold Recipient

CNA938 on Friday, 12 January 2024: Podcast Link
Lianhe Zaobao (both in print and online) on Friday, 12 January 2024: Link to article
We are delighted that Chia Kwan Hi (21J13) was recently awarded the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) Outstanding Gold Award. The NYAA is one of the premier youth development programmes in Singapore. Officially launched on 9 May 1992 by the President of the Republic of Singapore at the Istana, the NYAA Programme aims to encourage young people between the ages of 13 and 30 years to develop personal qualities of self-reliance, perseverance and a sense of responsibility to themselves, to society and to the nation. Aspiring winners have to complete 4 components: Service Learning, Outdoor Appreciation, Healthy Living and the Community Leadership Initiative (which is exclusively for those doing the Gold Award programme). Among his achievements, Kwan Hii, who is now a medical student at NUS, led a project to create an English-reading programme for underprivileged students from Princess Elizabeth Primary School to prepare them for their PSLE Oral Examination. He truly represents the RVHS motto of Upholding Values, Contributing to Society (立德立功 化愚化顽).